Loadstar 22
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User to User
Ernest Barkman
Orlando, Florida
On LOADSTAR 19 someone mentioned
problems using an OKIMATE 10 with
PRINT SHOP. They were using the color
ribbon, which isn't intended for the
Print Shop. There are black ribbons
for the Okimate 10 that are available
in Toys 'R Us and Sears. The black
ribbon can also be purchased directly
from Okidata. See your owner's manual
for address.
Response to Stein 44883 (# 19)
(Concerning compilers for the
Commodore 64.)
I use the BASIC 64 Compiler from
Abacus Software. I find that it does
everything I need it to do and the
price is reasonable ($39.95). It
provides a simple BASIC to ML or
BASIC to P-CODE (sort of in between
BASIC and ML--called pseudocode), as
well as an advanced development
package. More importantly, every
BASIC keyword is supported, as well
as many popular "Programmer's Aid"
statements. They have just released a
version for the C-128 which I have
recently ordered. The suggested price
for the 128 version is $59.95.
In regard to HELP!!! issue #20 and
the question from Hunt regarding the
C-128/1571 & the problem of loading
Activision software.....
I too own a C-128 (LOVE IT)/1571
combination, and had the same trouble
with only one company's software,
Activision. No mention was made
about "fastload" cartridges, second
disk drives, etc., but here is a list
of DON'Ts....
1. ....have a "fastload" cartridge
plugged in (don't just disable it,
remove it).
2. ....have a second disk drive
3. ....have a printer connected.
The above are all DON'Ts (oh yea,
having a modem hooked up doesn't
appear to have any bearing) and could
be the cause of the problem.
Mine first appeared with the load-
ing of "FAST TRACKS" and nearly drove
me nuts, but through the process of
elimination the cause was discovered.
Oh yea, I own all the Activision
programs mentioned by Hunt, plus
and "WEB DIMENSION" and have had no
problems, as long as the DON'Ts are
Hope this has been of help.
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